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Book Jacket

Romantic Comedy

A comedy writer's stance on love shifts when a pop star challenges her ...
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Danny tells Sally that the Danny Horst Rule matters only if it matters to Sally and Noah themselves. Did you agree? How does this realization help Sally?

Created: 05/01/24

Replies: 7

Posted May. 01, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

Posts: 1067

Danny tells Sally that the Danny Horst Rule matters only if it matters to Sally and Noah themselves. Did you agree? How does this realization help Sally?

Danny tells Sally that the Danny Horst Rule matters only if it matters to Sally and Noah themselves. Did you agree? How does this realization help Sally?

Posted May. 02, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

Posts: 466

RE: Danny tells Sally that the Danny ...

I do agree with him, and I think Danny’s comment shows that he has a very positive sense of self and is emotionally healthy. He doesn’t need acceptance from the outside world and isn’t interested in the opinions, thoughts, or judgments of others. None of us need that. The only people who matter are the two people involved with one another. There are so many layers to attraction and love.

I do think social media has made it easier for us to feel like our opinions about others’ partners are valid. It also makes it easier to judge people on nothing more than how they look.

Posted May. 03, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/10/19

Posts: 63

RE: Danny tells Sally that the Danny ...

Absolutely! If Noah and Sally are confident in their relationship, then it does not matter that Noah is more attractive or famous than she is.

Posted May. 08, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/21

Posts: 114

RE: Danny tells Sally that the Danny ...

Danny’s just confident about himself. As long as he felt comfortable with circumstances, he did not let anything influence him. Sally did not have that confidence. Even at the end of the book she couldn’t figure out how she was married to Noah.

Posted May. 14, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

Posts: 458

RE: Danny tells Sally that the Danny ...

I agree that it only applies to Sally and Noah. Looks become very important in social media when others don't know the people or what their feelings are.

Posted May. 21, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/10/24

Posts: 5

RE: Danny tells Sally that the Danny ...

I agree with this sentiment - ultimately, the individuals in the relationship get to choose what is important to them.

Posted May. 23, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/12/22

Posts: 103

RE: Danny tells Sally that the Danny ...

I loved that moment in the story! Because it is absolutely true. But more importantly, it was Danny's way of reassuring Sally and validating her as a woman, colleague, and person who is desirable and valued. Danny's statement also made Sally really think about the Danny Horst rule and whether or not it was applicable in her relationship with Noah. It took her quite some time to come to terms with it, but Danny was instruemental to her ability to resolve the dilemma.

Posted May. 23, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

Posts: 466

RE: Danny tells Sally that the Danny ...

JHSiess, I’m so glad you brought this up! There was more focus on Sally’s friendships with women on the show. But truly, Danny was just as important in her life.

When I was younger, I had many friends of the opposite sex. Men and women can process so differently, it was great to have a “guy” to talk to about important issues.



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