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Romantic Comedy

A comedy writer's stance on love shifts when a pop star challenges her ...
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How do you feel about authors using social media, email, texts in place of traditional dialogue between characters? Is this an effective strategy or just a trend?

Created: 05/01/24

Replies: 16

Posted May. 01, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

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How do you feel about authors using social media, email, texts in place of traditional dialogue between characters? Is this an effective strategy or just a trend?

How do you feel about authors using social media, email, texts in place of traditional dialogue between characters? Is this an effective strategy or just a trend?

Posted May. 01, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/16

Posts: 259

RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

I think it’s pretty realistic in how people communicate these days!! Nobody ( me included) wants to talk on the phone, if you can get your point across by texting or posting instead. Just a sign of the times !

Posted May. 02, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/27/21

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

At times it is confusing for me because I am of the age of having only one sheet of paper in front of me for a letter so I always remembered who sent it. While reading I don't always remember to look at the heading for reference (It is like naming a chapter). I do like how in the future these types of writing will give a bit of a timeline to readers. Authors who write with these must have very detailed notes to keep up with!

Posted May. 02, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

I have a vague recollection of a language arts teacher sharing with my class that a piece of writing is most powerful when it can be appreciated across time-that the reader is always able to understand and relate to the work no matter when it was written.

I think using social media, email, and text messaging can date a piece and make it inaccessible to readers in generations where TikTok wasn’t a thing. References to “snap chat” in writing are already outdated, having been replaced by TikTok.

I understand that the author is trying to relate to new generations of readers but relying on this method feels a little gimmicky to me. It almost turns a piece of quality literature into something I would just take to the beach or read on the bus. I’m sure that is not necessarily what my LA teacher wanted me to think based on her explanation, but the thought always sneaks in there!

Posted May. 02, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/04/15

Posts: 41

RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

I think it can be very effective if done well, which it is in this novel. It's really just a modern version of the epistolary novel, after all.

Posted May. 02, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/24/21

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

The use of social media, texts, email etc. was an effective strategy. I’m in my late 70’s and had no trouble with Sittenfeld’s use of social media to move the story forward. I’ve come to accept that if I want to communicate with a younger generation (children and grandchildren)or conduct business it behooves me to be familiar with social media.

Posted May. 02, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
lynne z

Join Date: 01/06/18

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

I thought it worked well in this book.

Posted May. 02, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

I think it represents how people communicate today and I don't see that changing anytime soon. So this means it will be a writing style that will be around for years to come.

Posted May. 03, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/10/19

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

I loved the use of texts and emails because it was not overdone. It makes the novel appear current and honest. It had to happen just like on TV shows where the viewer can see what is on an actor's phone screen.

Posted May. 05, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/18/11

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

The first time the emails appeared I was a bit taken aback, but after a few pages I found it to be a useful tool for their relationship to progress. As others have stated, email allows one to be reflective before responding, so a reply is carefully considered. It's much easier to write something than to say it face-to-face, or even on the phone.

Posted May. 06, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/21

Posts: 114

RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

If used effectively, authors should use various methods to convey relationships between characters. In this particular book, it worked very well. If the author always used those methods in writing her novels, I would probably not read her books as much. In this book, it firmly established the relationship between the characters and I think gave me a better picture of who these characters were.

Posted May. 06, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/14

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

It worked well here. In many books, the character receives a text or email or call on cell phone but most of the interaction is done face to face in dialogue. That scenario makes sense in today's world and will probably continue. But let us not forget that there are large swaths of the globe where internet and /or cell service don't exist or are spotty--characters better talk to each other face to face or there will be no interaction at all. Smoke signals or snail mail still work--even jungle drums--lol

Posted May. 08, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/21/17

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

I liked the idea of the emails, as they were a great way for the two of them to reconnect, but I wish there had been fewer of them as after the first dozen or so, I got tired of them.

Posted May. 14, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

I liked the social media telling of the story. That is how many stories are told in real life. It caused me to concentrate on the story in a way I wasn't used to.

Posted May. 19, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/13/11

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

All the new ways of communicating--social media, texts, emails, instagram and so on and so on were annoying to me. I am in my late 70s, so all this jargon is unpleasant to me. I do realize it is the way most of the world likes to communicate, but I was confused. much of the time. So much of saving time and making communication easier actually takes more time and often leaves both parties confused!

Posted May. 21, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/08/23

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RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

It’s 2024. We communicate differently than we did even 20 years ago. It works for this novel. As much fun as it is, this novel is not the Great American Novel and it will certainly be dated by the use of emails and texts, but so what?

Posted May. 23, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/12/22

Posts: 103

RE: How do you feel about authors using ...

When authors first began doing so, I was a bit put off by it solely because I wasn't used to it. But now, it is so commonplace that I find it realistic and effect. After all, it reflects the way we all communicate now. My own kids have been known to text me from different rooms in the house! And they virtually never call me. Texting is the normal, accepted means of communicating so it's only reasonable for contemporary fiction to reflect that aspect of daily life.


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