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Look on the Bright Side

From the author of Pack Up the Moon comes a funny, romantic, and moving novel ...
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How do Lorenzo and Lark help each other beyond their arrangement? What do they learn from each other? Did you expect them to end up together?

Created: 06/12/24

Replies: 15

Posted Jun. 12, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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How do Lorenzo and Lark help each other beyond their arrangement? What do they learn from each other? Did you expect them to end up together?

How do Lorenzo and Lark help each other beyond their arrangement? What do they learn from each other? Did you expect them to end up together?

Posted Jun. 13, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/22/21

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

While the arrangement helped Lark start living in the present and get out among the living again, Lark helped Lorenzo begin to reconnect with his family and see them in a different light (as well as his role with respect to them).

At the very beginning of the arrangement, I assumed Lark and Lorenzo would end up together but given his personality, I wasn’t sure how that would happen.

Posted Jun. 13, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Marcia S

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

Lark's honesty was good for Lorenzo. I think she horrified him at first but her boldness began to chip at his cold exterior. He needed that open himself to be able to eventually open himself to others.
The arrangement helped Lark open herself to other possibilities, even though she will always cherish the love she had with Justin. She also met Dante because of Lorenzo. He was the open and caring person she needed.

Posted Jun. 13, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/12/24

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

I think that Lark was helpful to Lorenzo as she didn't ignore his bad behavior, instead she would make comments to him like, "that was rude" or "you are supposed to say thank you." Later in the book you can see Lorenzo making an effort to be more courteous. Also, I agree that Lorenzo got Lark out of her past and opened her up to the future. I was definitely thinking they would probably end up together.

Posted Jun. 13, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/19/20

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

I think they helped each other in many ways. What Lark primarily received from Lorenzo was support to transition to living in the present and not let past emotions and circumstances block being able to live a happy and fruitful life. In turn, Lark helped Lorenzo be able to be a warmer person by helping him chip away out protective icy persona especially in regard to his family.

Posted Jun. 13, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

I think Lark really opened Lorenzo up to more (although clearly not total) self awareness.

I never really thought they would get together, and I was surprised by the Dante love interest character - which seemed contrived.

Posted Jun. 14, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

I think they both helped each other break out of their stasis. Lark and her grief and Lorenzo and his cold shield. Their interactions broke through the veneers they had wrapped themselves in and allowed them to start feeling again. I did not expect them to get together though. Too different and too adversarial.

Posted Jun. 14, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/29/15

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

I agree with conniehg in that Lark didn't let Lorenzo get away with his bad behavior. At first I didn't think Lorenzo helped Lark but now I do after reading what other people have written. Intentionally or not Lorenzo helped Lark start living her life again. I don't think they are a good match for each other.

Posted Jun. 16, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/10/17

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help ...

Doors opened for both characters. Lorenzo's family realized the effect his educational opportunity had on him and they begann to treasure him for his true self. Lark became strong, and open the life not as others determined for her.
I actually wanted them to "come together". Ms. Higgins had a much better idea!

Posted Jun. 16, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/14/11

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

I think that they both helped each other change. Lorenzo was a real challenge but he helped her learn how to live in the present and not in the past. She helped him become a bit more human and to think about people other than himself.

Posted Jun. 16, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/22/21

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

Reading through the new comments and totally agree with all the mentions above about how Lark helped Lorenzo by not putting up with and/or excusing his bad behavior.

Posted Jun. 16, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/26/21

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

I agree with many who said Lorenzo helped Lark start to live her life again instead of being stuck in the past and Lark helped Lorenzo by making him aware of his self-centerdness. I didn’t really want them to get together but, often in these kinds of books, that’s what happens.

Posted Jun. 16, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/11/11

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

Although he probably did not intend to make himself a more compassionate person, in choosing Lark, that is just what he did. Compassionate may be too strong, but it did help "humanize" him. I also think Lark gained some self-confidence from Lorenzo

Posted Jun. 17, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/05/23

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

I did not see Lark and Lorenzo getting together after their companion agreement ended. They did bring awareness of their respective blind spots to each other, which gave them both perspective on how to be happier with themselves.

Posted Jun. 18, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/29/14

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

Lark was a good influence on Lorenzo helping him to be less selfish and full of himself. Lorenzo helped Lark to accept herself as a good person and doctor. I did think they could end up together but obviously that was not meant to be.

Posted 13 hours ago Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do Lorenzo and Lark help each ...

I would have to work on a way to not sound repetitive, and I don't think I'm going to achieve that. Lark forces Lorenzo to be honest or at least to face that his behavior was selfish or uncaring. Lorenzo helps Lark by giving her some light at the end of her grief which in turn provides her with some confidence to move forward emotionally,


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