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Look on the Bright Side

From the author of Pack Up the Moon comes a funny, romantic, and moving novel ...
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Lark maintains a relationship with Justin's parents even after his death. Have you had a relationship that persisted even after the death of a loved one who first brought you together? How has it changed after loss?

Created: 06/12/24

Replies: 5

Posted Jun. 12, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

Posts: 1067

Lark maintains a relationship with Justin's parents even after his death. Have you had a relationship that persisted even after the death of a loved one who first brought you together? How has it changed after loss?

Lark maintains a relationship with Justin's parents even after his death; fearing their reaction to a new significant other becomes in some ways a barrier to moving on. Have you had a relationship with in-laws or friends that persisted even after the death of a loved one who first brought you together? How has it changed after loss?

Posted Jun. 13, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/13/12

Posts: 564

RE: Lark maintains a relationship with ...

I have attempted to stay in touch with family members (the partners/spouses) of good friends who have passed away. Usually it has been short lived. When younger, the surviving partner/spouse moved on and formed a new life. As one ages, sometimes the surviving partner or spouse develops health problems - and if that is dementia, it is not really possible. Sometimes a sibling of that surviving friend eventually notifies us of memorial services and celebrations of life.

Posted Jun. 14, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/22/21

Posts: 111

RE: Lark maintains a relationship with ...

I maintained a relationship with my Dad’s significant other until she died. She was a special person to me because of how important to her she was to my Dad. She was “family” and we helped each other through our grief and enjoyed in sharing our daily lives going forward.
Also, my Dad and I stayed in touch with my Dad’s second wife’s elderly sisters after her death - they were fascinating ladies. Even after my Dad passed away, I maintained this relationship until I lost them, too.

Posted Jun. 23, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/14/18

Posts: 83

RE: Lark maintains a relationship with ...

Again, I personally have no lost someone (yet) however I can see how this might happen. I think it's beautiful.

Posted Jun. 25, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/16/11

Posts: 31

RE: Lark maintains a relationship with ...

I felt Lark's huge attachment to Justin's parents was understandable. It's just another sign that families are important to her. When she meets Lorenzo's family she pretty much fell in love with them. Seven years, however, this close to Justin's parents could be a bit much. I think that is a tie that needed loosening a bit so that Lark could move on.

Posted Jun. 28, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/05/20

Posts: 35

RE: Lark maintains a relationship with ...

My daughter’s boyfriend died in a car accident at age 23. Not only did she continue being friends with his parents, she and her triplet sister organized an annual get-together to keep the family and all friends together for 16 years after the accident.


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