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Lady Tan's Circle of Women

Lisa See's latest historical novel, inspired by the true story of a woman ...
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How does the preface set up the novel and what is to come for Yunxian? After reading the novel, what does it mean to be a “female on this earth?”

Created: 07/17/24

Replies: 5

Posted Jul. 17, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

Posts: 1160

How does the preface set up the novel and what is to come for Yunxian? After reading the novel, what does it mean to be a “female on this earth?”

The opening of this novel begins with a preface which includes the line “My cousin has excelled at treating women because she has shared in the losses and joys of what it means to be a female on this earth.” How does this set up the novel and what is to come for Yunxian? After reading the novel, what does it mean to be a “female on this earth?”

Posted Jul. 21, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/19/20

Posts: 266

RE: How does the preface set up the ...

In retrospect I should have stopped and thought about what preface was saying to reader. The preface does thoughts to contemplate and reflect on while reading especially because a short introduction to place and role of women during this time period in China. Of course, the author’s cousin praises the Lisa See how she excelled in providing the reader a true and captivating picture of that society during that time period. After reading and reflecting on what does it mean to be a female on the earth. I think many women need to prove more assertively that they can excel in many careers, but especially in fields of science, and prove she is not just a woman but an equal partner.

Posted Jul. 24, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/30/22

Posts: 17

RE: How does the preface set up the ...

The preface hints to all the trials and tribulations that will be endured by Yun, and there are many. The loss of her mother, the betrayals (Poppy, her husband during the trial), the heartbreak (the concubine, n male child), etc… Being female means being resilient.

Posted Jul. 28, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/14/22

Posts: 39

RE: How does the preface set up the ...

“women are ten times more difficult to treat than a man” Lady Tan Yunxian knew this first hand after watching her mother die and seeing how her grandmother listened and treated her female patients - as compared to how the male doctors treated them. Male doctors in this time period were in over their heads when it came to treating women, and the fact that they couldn’t touch them and were behind a screen made it ridiculous to think they could treat the women at all!

Posted Aug. 11, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/14/24

Posts: 28

RE: How does the preface set up the ...

The preface really did give a preview of what was to come and set the context for the novel. For me being a woman does mean there are additional difficulties that are placed on a female, just because she is a female. However, I have seen changes and I do believe it will be easier for my daughter than me. The fact that so many careers and education have become available. But I am saying this as an American, so many other countries continue to have a two tier system, one for females and another for males.

Posted Aug. 11, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/16/16

Posts: 172

RE: How does the preface set up the ...

I agree with the other posters, it really set the stage for what was to come in the novel. I really learned a lot about medicine, especially treating women.


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