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Lady Tan's Circle of Women

Lisa See's latest historical novel, inspired by the true story of a woman ...
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How are aphorisms important to the story? What message is Miss Chen trying to convey to Yunxian? Lisa considers these aphorisms to be true across time and cultures. Do you agree? How have they played out in your life, if at all?

Created: 07/17/24

Replies: 3

Posted Jul. 17, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

Posts: 1160

How are aphorisms important to the story? What message is Miss Chen trying to convey to Yunxian? Lisa considers these aphorisms to be true across time and cultures. Do you agree? How have they played out in your life, if at all?

Lisa often uses aphorisms to help illuminate a character or a plot point. One of the most significant in this novel is No mud, no lotus. Discuss how this aphorism is important to the story. On page 256, Miss Chen recites a series of aphorisms to Yunxian: It takes a lifetime to make a friend, but you can lose one in an hour. Life without a friend is life without sun. Life without a friend is death. What message is Miss Chen trying to convey to Yunxian? Lisa considers these aphorisms to be true across time and cultures. Do you agree? How have they played out in your life, if at all?

Posted Jul. 30, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/14/24

Posts: 28

RE: How are aphorisms important to the ...

I liked the use of aphorisms. The no mud, no lotus was especially powerful as a plot point. The women go through difficult situations filled with pain but this leads to being a stronger person and someone who is appreciative of the good times and joy. I also believed in the idea that at any time someone can hurt a friend and destroy a friendship. It is important to value those friendships.

Posted Aug. 02, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/15/12

Posts: 154

RE: How are aphorisms important to the ...

I liked the aphorisms in the book although I usually don’t like morals. But here they seemed apt and in their simplicity conveyed a great deal of meaning. Sometimes in my own life, I have found that sometimes you only know the strength of these bonds in friendships when they are tested.

Posted Aug. 06, 2024 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/14/23

Posts: 37

RE: How are aphorisms important to the ...

The inclusion of aphorisms in this book helped one picture the role ancient culture played in this book. Today, we wouldn't say "no mud, no lotus" but would say "no pain, no gain". Lisa See helps us see that 15th Century Chinese culture has impact today especially with regard to women facing adversity and enduring long term friendships.
Yes, I have friendships that cross many years and many locations. None of us are perfect but we always are there for each other no matter what. Thank goodness for emails and phone calls that give support.


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