At BookBrowse, we believe that exceptional books do more than just tell good stories, they leave you mentally richer than when you started them. For example, novels that whisk you to unfamiliar times and places, thrillers that are more than just 'page-turners', and thought-provoking non-fiction that entertains as it informs.
This editorial focus coupled with our extensive reading group resources makes BookBrowse a particularly valuable destination for book club members and those who read to expand their horizons, as well as librarians responsible for collection development and book club organization.
Some of your patrons will already be familiar with BookBrowse because each month over half a million book lovers come to BookBrowse looking for advice on what to read next. But unless they pay for an individual membership or your library already subscribes, they have limited access.
BookBrowse's visitors are frequent and dedicated users of their libraries as the statistics below illustrate.
Source: Demographics from Google Analytics. The remainder from BookBrowse's 2019 survey of 3605 visitors and 2023 survey of 1560 visitors.