Media Reviews
Dale's wizardry transports listeners to places Muggle and magical, and Rowling's inventive plot shifts and fresh characters make this "must listening" for older Potter fans.
The Denver Post - Robin Videmos
The legend has grown with each succeeding volume, not because she's written to a formula but because she continues to deliver the same combination of enticing elements without allowing them to become predictable.
The Los Angeles Times - Michael Cart
There's no doubt that Harry is growing up, and the process isn't always pretty, although he remains wonderfully appealing and, when necessary, heroic.
The New York Times - Michiku Katutani
A considerably darker, more psychological book than its predecessors,
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix occupies the same emotional and storytelling place in the Potter series as "The Empire Strikes Back" held in the first "Star Wars" trilogy. It provides a sort of fulcrum for the series, marking Harry's emergence from boyhood, and his newfound knowledge that an ancient prophecy holds the secret to Voldemort's obsession with him and his family.
The Washington Post - Elizabeth Ward
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for the other main reason to love the series: their sheer comic exuberance even in the midst of high drama. Kids, of course, would mention this first. Jokes, gags and memorable put-downs pop up on nearly every page …
Time Magazine - Lev Grossmn
Just when we might have expected author J.K. Rowling's considerable imaginative energies to flag -- this is the fifth book of a projected seven-volume series -- she has hit peak form and is gaining speed.
USA Today - Deirdre Donahue
A very wise decision, J.K. Rowling, to allow three years to pass before publishing
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth book in your global sensation of a series. The fever-pitched anticipation, the media frenzy, the pilfered books, the leaked details. The book richly deserves the hype.
Publishers Weekly
(Referring to the audio book editon). Dale again takes the reins as nimble voice master and gallops away with a splendid performance of Rowling's fifth tome about the beloved boy wizard.
School Library Journal - Eva Mitnick
Children will enjoy the magic and the Hogwarts mystique, and young adult readers will find a rich and compelling coming-of-age story as well.
Reader Reviews
Harry Potter and the order of Phoenix I absolutely adore the fifth book in the Harry Potter series. The pages of this book are ignited by adventure and magic. It's a book I would recommend to all ages, but mostly to children.
Should read! The Order of the Phoenix has to be my favorite Harry Potter books. It is filled with excitement, the scenes are written very vividly. The new characters really made the book fulfilled; Luna, Umbridge, Bellatrix. My favorite part has to be when Fred ...
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Joe Light
Becoming a Harry Potter Fan Muggles and Dementors do not mix, especially when they both want to kill Harry Potter. The story begins with a long series of problems that Harry seems to cause; being attacked by Dementors sent to kill him wasn’t really his idea of causing trouble. ...
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix This book is amazing, It is very well written to keep you reading chapter after chapter. It is best for people who like mystery and action.
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